Collaborative Robotics & Adaptive Machines Lab



The overarching theme of research at the Collaborative Robotics and Adaptive Machines Laboratory is to investigate the role of collaboration in robotics. Ideas are borrowed from diverse fields like bio-inspired robotics, 群体智慧, developmental psychology, 认知机器人, and human-robot collaboration. Our goals lie in combining new insights from these fields to design collaborative robots that cater to strategic areas—manufacturing and assistive robotics—of national interest. Our long-term scientific goals lie in using the results of such interdisciplinary research to understand the mechanisms of embodied cognition at closer resolutions.

Our research interests are:

  • Collaborative Robotics
  • Bio-inspired Robotics
  • 社会机器人
  • 群体智慧
  • 体现了认知

Explore Our 研究

  • Book published in the area of 群体智慧-based optimization. K. N. 凯帕和D. Ghose用. Glowworm Swarm Optimization: Theory, 算法, 和应用程序, Studies in Computational Intelligence, 卷. 698, Springer-Verlag, 2017. ISBN: 978-3-319-51594-6 (Print) 978-3-319-51595-3 (Online).
  • 最佳论文奖. ASME Computer-援助ed Product and Process Development Technical Committee's Prakash Krishnaswamy 最佳论文奖, ASME 国际 Design 工程 Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in 工程 Conference (IDETC/CIE), Cleveland, Ohio, USA, 2017.
  • Outstanding 教学 Award. For the graduate course, Planning for Autonomous Robots, taught at the University of Maryland in spring 2016.

  1. K. N. Kaipa,. S. Kankanhalli-Nagendra, N. B. Kumbla,年代. Shriyam,年代. S. Thevendria-Karthic, J. A. 漫威和S. K. 古普塔(2016). Addressing perception uncertainty induced failure modes in robotic bin-picking. Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing 42(1), 17-38.
  2. C. W. 莫拉托,K. N. Kaipa和S. K. 古普塔(2014). Toward safe human-robot collaboration by using multiple Kinects based real-time human tracking. ASME Journal of Computing and Information Science in 工程, 14(1): 011006.
  3. C. W. 莫拉托,K. N. Kaipa和S. K. 古普塔(2013). Improving assembly precedence constraint generation by utilizing motion planning and part interaction clusters, Computer-援助ed Design, 45 (11): 1349-1364.
  4. K. N. Kaipa J. C. 邦加德和A. N. 迈尔左夫(2010). Self-discovery enables robot social cognition: Are you my teacher? Neural Networks, Special Issue on Social Cognition: Babies to Robots, 23(8-9): 1113-1124.
  5. K. N. 凯帕和D. Ghose用用(2009). Glowworm swarm optimization for simultaneous capture of multiple local optima of multimodal functions. 群体智慧, 3(2): 87-124.

教授 & 副院长 工程 技术
Assoc Dean For Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & 访问 工程 & 技术
主讲师 Department of 教学 & 学习
Associate 教授 机械 & Aerospace 工程

  • 库卡LBR iiwa机器人
  • NAO社交机器人
  • object 30 Prime 3 d打印机
  • GoScan 3D扫描仪
3 d打印机


"It was very fun," Takhvar said. "I built a robot that did not walk very well, 说实话, but I learned that engineering is more than just one discipline. It's a combination of multiple skills from different fields that you need to utilize to complete a job." - Navy Veteran Davis Takhvar
